Joomla CMS Day - Roma, Italy

Posted by Anton-io! | 4:24 PM | | 0 comments »

In search for a CMS system, I was referred to Joomla today.

What a wonderful surprise to come across information about Joomla! Day in Rome, Italy - my former home.

The official program for JoomlaDay Italy:

8,45 Welcome and delivery of welcome pack.
9,30 Presentation and starting. - Andrea Marzilli
9,45 VirtueMart: e-commerce solution for Joomla. - Stefano Bagnatica e Alessandro Chessari
10,30 The importance of having a specific hosting for joomla.. - Marco Mangione, Carlo Granisso
11,00 Coffee Break

11,30 Migration from Joomla! 1.0 to Joomla! 1.5. - Gianmarco Odorizzi
12,15 Joomla become multilanguage with joomfish. - Luca Curatola
13,00 Lunch

14,30 Joomla FAP. - Alessandro Pasotti
15,15 Analysis of the template structure of joomla 1.5, what changes and how. - Franco Danese
16,15 The TV in Joomla! : WebTv and digital terrestrial. - Massimo Marchetto, Roberto Borghi, Stefano Ciammarughi e Isacco Occhiali
17,15 CMS's optimization and positioning. - Zaffi Alessandro
18,00 Conclusion