Caffeinated coded mashup weekend

Posted by Anton-io! | 1:50 AM | | 0 comments »

Combine some XML with PHP, add some affiliate accounts, grab some caffeine and spice your website up with some affiliated code mashups.
There are some great scripts out there for putting various content from various places together online. A simple example would be from this simple Wireless router deals website. Grabbing some eBay, some YouTube, a bit of Amazon and more.

How about integrating your website content with FaceBook?
This is already possible and this will come later as I still figuring this out!

Questions to ask are:

why would you want to in the first place?
To market to your friends?
To source out new business clients?

An interesting item to point out is the RSS feed by FeedBurner on the AdJingo Classified Ad forums ....
Look at the bottom of the page any you'll see a little orange RSS chicklet ...
Clicking on the chicklet will bring us to a page generated by FeedBurner that displays ads posted on the newly created forum (the forum is very new BTW)
Listed within each ad are a few cool link additions by FeedBurner, such as 'Email this', 'Share on Facebook', 'Add to', 'Technorati Link', etc ...

'Share on FaceBook' ?!?

What a treat!
You mean to say, if I post an ad on AdJingo forums, I can actually share it with all my friends :)
Of course I'll share, because it's all about sharing on Facebook.
Your thoughts, your friends, your likes, your privacy and more.

Did you know FeedBurner is owned by Google?

News is a bit dated, but I thought I'd point it out anyways

With the great tools Google already has (Analytics, Webmaster Tools, etc), FeedBurner has been a great tool in my life ;)

100 Million Dollar Deal


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